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The heart of God being manifest in a group of people

Colossians 2:2-3

"My Goal is that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."



We Believe

Community is best lived out and unified when people come to know Christ and their design and purpose in Him.  When each  member of a community realizes that they are a necessary part of something bigger than themselves, the community becomes stronger. That is where development begins.

Somos Sancocho

"We are sancocho".  Sancocho is a stew or soup that is common in the communities of Pureto Plata and many Latino countries.  In the Dominican Republic, it is commonly used to feed a large group or family.  It's eaten at gatherings for graduations or funerals and community activities.  It is customary for each participating family to bring one ingredient to throw into the large sancocho pot.  Each ingredient blends with seasoning and the marriage of all creates a rich and tasty dish.  


UTK is know as "Soncocho" in Puerto Plata.  For us, it represents a clear picture of biblical community.  The Bilble tells us that the Church is one body made of many members.  Sancocho is a great visual of that truth. Each pot is unique depending on the ingredients, but it is always rich in flavor and satisfying.  The same way with each individual-unique, but blended together create the body of Christ.  


Each of us has a role to fulfill our calling to serve others in a practical way. Somos Sancocho.  


These men and women serve in their own Jerusalem and Judea - their own community. They are a gifted group of Christ-followers who exemplify humility and faithfulness as they love their neighbors as themselves. 

We are proud of them.


Read the latest newsletters and blog posts from our UTK staff or watch the latest video updates from the field.


Sponsor products for homes and churches in the DR or purchase for your own personal use. We have some great gift ideas too.


There are many ways that you can be a part of the Sancocho. No matter your station or stage of life, there is a place for you to join in on the work and ministry of Until They Know in the Dominican Republic.

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