Mission Statement:
Until They Know exists to unite communities through the Gospel of Christ and foster sustainable development in those communities.
Assist the church in its efforts to proclaim the message of the Gospel of Christ and encourage sustainability for individuals and communities by developing biblical community.
Facilitate short-term mission trips with long-term impact.
Work with churches to disciple and develop leaders.
Achieve sustainability of life through pure water and medical awareness.
Assist local leaders to develop economic sustainability for their community through business development.
Serve foreign missionaries in their field.
With a message of personally knowing Christ and knowing God’s Purpose for your life
With tools to encourage the community to work together with a common direction, goal, and future
With loving relationships and trust with village leaders and the pastors that serve them
With discipleship programs for pastors and church leaders designed to encourage, equip, and empower them
With partnerships and existing assets of the village
With age appropriate discipleship programs that show we care
With filters to bring steps toward physical health and the message of Living Water
With business training and the development of new businesses through partnerships
Without ever making it about us!
This is the very first video promotion we did at UTK. We have come a long way, but all of the growth since required a foundation and commitment to loving relationships in the early days. We have added new communities, key partners and more initiative projects in the years since, but most of the faces in this video you will still see around the ministry.
We are so grateful that God has allowed us to be a part of his ongoing work in the Dominican Republic for such a long time. We invite you to come be a part of what God is doing with us.

Easter 2020 Encouragement